Permanente Medicine in Action
Charting a path to relief for endometriosis
A team of physicians specializing in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery are delivering the highest-quality care for patients with endometriosis.
Laser surgery centers go beyond the surface
The centers are transforming the lives of patients with disabling and disfiguring skin conditions in Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
Keeping ahead of multiple sclerosis
Neurologist Jacqueline Marcus, MD, has built a multidisciplinary MS program that supports patients at every turn.
Helping children stand straighter
A Q&A with Todd Lincoln, MD, a pediatric orthopedist who helped create a scoliosis surgery service for children in Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
Research in the News
Telemedicine can provide timely pediatric primary care
Kaiser Permanente Northern California study finds that telephone and video visits are a good option for kids, but not always a substitute for seeing a clinician in person.
Helping more than 300,000 people quit smoking in Kaiser Permanente Northern California
A new study highlights the success of our comprehensive tobacco screening and cessation program over the past decade.
Breast care coordinators help expand eligibility for cancer genetic testing
Study highlights new KP Northern California program that offers hereditary cancer testing to all newly diagnosed breast cancer patients ages 65 and under.
Younger adults benefit from updated colorectal cancer screening guidelines
KP Northern California study found that new national recommendations to lower screening age from 50 to 45 can benefit patients and help identify cancer sooner.
Honoring Physician Excellence
We honor physician excellence and highlight outstanding achievements in innovation, research, teaching and leadership—and the daily impact physicians have on the lives of our patients.