Charting a path to relief for endometriosis
A team of physicians specializing in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery are delivering the highest-quality care for patients with endometriosis.
A team of physicians specializing in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery are delivering the highest-quality care for patients with endometriosis.
The centers are transforming the lives of patients with disabling and disfiguring skin conditions in Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
Neurologist Jacqueline Marcus, MD, has built a multidisciplinary MS program that supports patients at every turn.
A Q&A with Todd Lincoln, MD, a pediatric orthopedist who helped create a scoliosis surgery service for children in Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
Collaboration between the Division of Research and The Permanente Medical Group creates a framework for success.
Two Permanente physicians, two nurses, and a midwife share their clinical expertise and experience on a volunteer trip.
Five exceptional physicians earn the 2024 Morris F. Collen Research Award and Teaching Award for Excellence.
Ernesto Rivera, MD, helped provide free life-saving congenital heart disease surgeries to children whose families could not afford them.
The sports medicine team at KP South Sacramento helped save a player’s knee and his dreams of playing Division 1 football.
Linda Shiue, MD, brought her expertise and passion to create a culinary medicine course at the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine.