CEO Insights
As the CEO and executive director of the largest physician-led and physician-owned medical group in the country, Maria Ansari, MD, FACC, has unique and important insights on a wide range of topics, including the rapidly changing health care landscape, the importance of physician leadership in health care, and how cutting-edge technology can help transform care delivery by making high-quality care more connected, more convenient, and more accessible for patients.
What value-based care Is and why everyone Is talking about It, with Maria Ansari, MD
Dr. Ansari provides insights into maintaining a long-term commitment to value-based care.
Live Well and Thrive Podcast: Interview With Maria Ansari, MD, FACC
Host Carrie Owen Plietz interviews Dr. Maria Ansari CEO and executive director of The Permanente Medical Group and president and CEO of the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group.
Dr. Ansari Spotlight Video: From Michigan to TPMG
Dr. Ansari discusses her career path in medicine and the importance of supporting physicians to do their best work.
Cardiologist is First Woman to Lead TPMG
Q&A with Cardiologist Maria Ansari, MD, the first woman to lead two of the nation’s largest physician groups.
Dr. Ansari the First Woman CEO and Executive Director of TPMG
Dr. Ansari talks to Healthcare Finance about the impact of AI, technology, and digital health on patient care.
Becker’s Podcast: Interview With Maria Ansari, MD, FACC
Dr. Ansari discusses the shortage of physicians and health care workers and how to address this issue.
Permanente Excellence: Taking Change to Heart
Q&A with TPMG’s New CEO and Executive Director, Maria Ansari, MD, FACC.