Kaiser Permanente Teledermatology Finds More Skin Cancers with Fewer Dermatology Visits
With one in five people developing skin cancer, teledermatology is looking for innovative ways to deliver fast and high-quality care to people who need it.
Virtual 24/7 Poison Experts
24/7 poison experts are available thanks to TPMG's Regional Toxicology Service, which leverages telemedicine and Kaiser Permanente’s integrated electronic health record.
Permanente Sees Health Care Shift From Hospital To Home
Dr. Pat Conolly, Executive Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, The Permanente Federation and Associate Executive Director, The Permanente Medical Group, on how the health care industry is being revolutionized by connected devices
Transgender Health: Delivering a Full Spectrum of Care
Providing transgender and gender-nonconforming patients and their families with high-quality, culturally responsive care in a welcoming and supportive environment.
A Better Way to Assess Ovarian Cancer Risk
A new study that estimates the risk for ovarian cancer helps doctors and patients make better choices on whether surgery or ultrasound monitoring is the best option.
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Health Plans Receive High Ratings From NCQA
“We are proud of this remarkable accomplishment. It is a testament to the clinical excellence of our physicians and staff,” said Richard S. Isaacs, MD, CEO and executive director of The Permanente Medical Group.