Inflammation and Sarcopenia May Predict Poor Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer
Elizabeth Cespedes Feliciano, ScD, of the Division of Research, explains that systemic inflammation combined with sarcopenia could have predictive value for colorectal cancer.
Sonoma County Health Officials Urge Parents to Immunize Kids for School
With many Sonoma County school districts starting classes soon, public health officials and doctors urge parents to get their children vaccinated before the first day of school.
Can Music Help Multiple Sclerosis Patients Feel Better?
For multiple sclerosis patients, music may offer additional physical and emotional benefits. Jacqueline Marcus, MD, director of the Kaiser Permanente multiple sclerosis program in San Francisco is quoted.
How to beat jet lag
In his regular column, Salvatore Iaquinta, MD, a head and neck surgeon at Kaiser Permanente in San Rafael, offers tips on how to overcome jet lag.
Why Parents Should Continue to Vaccinate Their Kids
Nicola Klein, MD, from TPMG's Division of Research, shares her perspective on the safety and importance to have children vaccinated.
Facts About Fibroids
Inside KP -- August 7, 2017 Peter Heinlein, MD, chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Kaiser Permanente San Rafael Medical Center, sees a patient with a fibroid every day. Many women don’t even know [...]