A Regionalized Cancer Care Program Can Improve Survival for Stomach Cancer Patients
New Kaiser Permanente research describes how a regionalized, virtual gastric cancer center benefited patients and physicians.
New Tool for Early Identification of COVID-19 Surges
New research examined dozens of data points and has identified key leading indicators that can forecast impending COVID-19 surges as much as six weeks before they hit the medical centers.
Uncommon Kidney Disorder Significantly Increases Risk of Heart Disease and End-stage Kidney Disease
A new Kaiser Permanente study points to early identification of patients with primary nephrotic syndrome in helping prevent a wide range of complications.
Emergency Care for Heart Attacks and Strokes Rebounds
Significant declines in heart attack hospitalizations and emergency care for possible strokes at the beginning of the pandemic were not seen in subsequent COVID-19 surges, according to a recent Kaiser Permanente study.
Preventing Preeclampsia with One Aspirin A Day
In response to recent research a new pilot program prescribes low-dose aspirin to prevent preeclampsia and preterm births.
Recognizing Exceptional Physician Contributions
Five physicians from The Permanente Medical Group were recently honored with the Sidney R. Garfield Exceptional Contribution Award.