Permanente Medicine in Action
Highlighting TPMG’s innovative specialty care, featuring renowned TPMG physicians, advanced technology, and compassionate patient care.
A Day She Thought Would Never Come
Shocked by a cancer diagnosis, a mother and aspiring lawyer gets the high-quality care and emotional support she needs to live the life she wants.
Ahead of the Curve with Gynecologic Surgery
Kaiser Permanente Northern California leads the way in performing less invasive gynecologic surgeries.
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Hospitals Rank in Top Tier
U.S. News & World Report’s annual study rates all Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospitals as “high performing” for stroke and pneumonia care.
Care at Home Meets Patient Needs
An innovative new program in Northern California gives the option to receive hospital level care at home.
Improving Telehealth for Expecting Parents
A new, innovative remote monitoring program for pregnant patients makes care more convenient, safer, and equitable.
National Recognition for Kaiser Permanente Early Alert System
Kaiser Permanente Northern California’s life-saving Advance Alert Monitor (AAM) program — an early detection system that helps care teams predict when hospitalized patients are at risk for clinical deterioration — has been recognized by The Joint Commission and National Quality Forum.
New, Innovative Support for People with Serious Mental Illness
An innovative telehealth program at Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) is expanding support for people with serious, persistent mental illness by adding psychiatric clinical pharmacists to their care teams.
Member Recognizes Heart Attack Symptoms, Gets Care Quickly
Within 24 hours, Dale Templeton knew he needed a cardiac diagnosis and help from Kaiser Permanente.
Medical Assistants Help Close Virtual Visit Digital Divide
Kaiser Permanente study finds patients in low-socioeconomic-status neighborhoods benefited from help connecting with video medical visits.