Research Shows Improved Esophageal Cancer Outcomes
A shift in 2014 to managing all esophageal cancer surgeries in designated Specialty Care Centers has reduced the length of hospital stays, decreased intensive care use, and reduced post-operative complications.
More Metastatic Prostate Cancers Found After Change In Screening Guidelines
In the years after the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against PSA-based screening in all men, many fewer men were diagnosed with prostate cancer but more were found to have advanced cancers, according to a large study of nearly a half-million screening-eligible men in Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California region.
Body Fatness Affects Chemo Dosages, Contributing To Increased Risk of Breast Cancer Death
Kaiser Permanente research points to the need to consider body composition, not just body size, in planning cancer treatment.
Young Patient Gets Life-Altering Care
KP's pediatric subspecialties care team made great great improvements in a young patient's quality of life.
New Kaiser Permanente Study: Both Components of Blood Pressure Important for Heart Health
Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures independently predicted the risk of heart attack or stroke in a large Kaiser Permanente Northern California study that included more than 36 million blood pressure readings from over 1 million people.
Kaiser Permanente Members Say Video Visits are Convenient and High Quality
Nine out of 10 Kaiser Permanente members who had a primary-care video visit were confident in the quality of care received, reported that the provider was familiar with their medical history, and felt that their [...]