Permanente Medicine in Action
Highlighting TPMG’s innovative specialty care, featuring renowned TPMG physicians, advanced technology, and compassionate patient care.
‘A Little Miracle’
A baby girl born at 23 weeks fought for her life every day along with the dedicated staff of the Kaiser Permanente San Leandro Medical Center.
Celebrating the Start of TPMG
The partnership that would become The Permanente Medical Group was officially established in February 1948.
COVID-19 Survivor Thanks Care Team in New Book
In his new book, Mark Wallace writes about the care team that saved his life.
Physician’s Invention Released Worldwide
Dr. Ted O’Connell received the President’s Volunteer Service Award for his part in creating an open source solution to the pandemic’s oxygen supply shortage.
Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Aims to Save Lives
The streamlining of genetic testing among newly diagnosed ovarian cancer patients in Kaiser Permanente Northern California is improving patient care.
Shining a Light on Early-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
KP Research Radio marks National Diabetes Month with a podcast exploring the unique needs of young people with diabetes or prediabetes
Physicians Honored for Research, Teaching
Five physicians from The Permanente Medical Group were recently honored for their contributions.
Brain Tumor Survivor Applauds Kaiser Permanente‘s Warm, Diverse Culture
After Jessica Rios had life saving surgery to remove a brain tumor and says diverse and compassionate culture in her recovery center ended up playing a pivotal role in her healing.
Preventing Preeclampsia with One Aspirin A Day
In response to recent research a new pilot program prescribes low-dose aspirin to prevent preeclampsia and preterm births.