Permanente Medicine in Action
Highlighting TPMG’s innovative specialty care, featuring renowned TPMG physicians, advanced technology, and compassionate patient care.
Battling COVID-19 in Care Homes for Elderly
A plan to slow the spread of COVID-19 among the elderly in group living situations is pioneered at the Kaiser Permanente San Rafael Medical Center.
Helping Patients Make Informed Decisions about Prostate Cancer Screening
In a new episode of KP Research Radio, the potential risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening are discussed with Joseph Presti, MD.
Nonsmokers Hit a Magic Number
With help from Kaiser Permanente, 200,000 of its Northern California members have quit tobacco as part of an effective long-running campaign.
Feeling Lucky After Emergency Heart Surgery Saved Her Life
Cardiothoracic surgeon Geoff Allen, MD, repairs Heather Westmoreland's life-threatening aortic dissection.
Recognizing Exceptional Physician Contributions
Annually, The Permanente Medical Group honors a select group of physicians with an award named after its founder.
Excellence in Maternity Care
Kaiser Permanente Northern California hospitals excel in maternity care, according to Newsweek magazine’s Best Maternity Hospitals 2020 report.
Bonding No Matter the Distance
Kaiser Permanente’s NIC-Unite program makes it possible for parents to see their newborns, who are admitted to the intensive care unit, every day.
Vanquishing Cancer During the Pandemic
Jacob Knudsen, 13 (pictured), is one of thousands of cancer patients whose care continued safely and without interruption at Kaiser Permanente Northern California despite the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic.
Pandemic Doesn’t Stop Cancer Care
“I cannot say enough nice things about Kaiser Permanente, from the minute I walked in, to the minute I walked out 2 days later,” said Kamla Birusingh.